Thursday, December 27, 2012

I am exposed, but unexposed

I am educated but limited. I hear news but want to write it. I wonder about the word as I pause in thought. I see everything but cant touch it. I want to help people but blocked by their fear. I worry about missing out but too anxious to stay. I touch everyone's soul without being present. I desire to be a future blogger but inexperienced. I am educated but limited.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I Am Learning Bloggging

I am in a taxi service business. Our company has a website and I would like to connect to our community and businesses through writing about my company. I think the "Blog Writing Course" is the one I was looking for to get started with blogging.
This is my first post in blogging.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Test Blog for Course

I started a blog at  about a week ago.  While I get great feedback, I feel it is limited.  I have linked it to Facebook successfully but still feel it can get better numbers as far as readership. 

Primarily I write in the Humor section but have realized that the blogs can seep into other sections and therefore adjusted the settings so that other genres can see the blog.  I am hoping this course eliminates or at least limits more trial and error. 


Monday, December 3, 2012

How you can awake up early in morning to get your office at time

I will provide you few technical tips......if you apply it for yourself for few will be use to do that practice daily very avoid yourself sleeping late hours.

If you need these tips and techniques can contact me at

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What blogging is to me:

Blogging to me is a way to make a little extra money,a way to voice my opinion,to speak to new customers and old one alike. I'm a worn out carpenter that has had a fulfilling 30 year career and still love to dabble in my trade, blogging is a way to stay in touch with new ways of doing thing and researching things I have not yet had the opportunity to experiences. I hope to master this new skill so that I can share my experiences with others.

Friday, November 23, 2012

What do I know about blogging?

Most people would be somewhat surprised at my answer when they learn about my education, professional career and experience. I am almost retired, i.e. I have officially retired but still work part time. In 2004 I retired after 38 years as an aerospace accountant which means I made the change in the '80s from mostly manual accounting process to personal computers (386, 486). I was there when Microsoft came out with Windows and Excel replaced Lotus 1-2-3.

Jumping to current time, 2012, I have no experience in blogging, have never made a post, have read a few blogs but have not had a clear understanding what a blog is and how it is used. Are you surprised? For a person with my education and experience with one of the largest government contractors in the aerospace industry strangely my path never crossed with the development and growth of blogging.

Without bragging, I have been told by a number of my managers that I have good writing skills and I do in fact enjoy writing. Now that I am pursuing having my own website and blog, I am looking forward to using my writing skills and reaching my goal of mastering how to blog successfully.

A Canadian in CR

My name is A. I am a Canadian currently living and working in Costa Rica. I've never before blogged but always been very intrigued. Now that life has taken a bit more exciting turn from the endless day-in, day-out repetition of home, I'm hoping maybe I can share some useful and worthwhile knowledge with my readers!

I've traveled extensively throughout North America, South America, Africa and Europe with a very wonderful and long visit to Thailand when I was younger. I always knew I wouldn't spend all my time in Canada. It's an amazing country, I miss it immensely and do plan to return eventually but for now, Costa Rica is so beautiful, I have found my home. I fell for Costa Rica the moment I landed in San Jose. I'd been so many places, I knew just by the way I felt that something was very special about this place! I instantly started daydreaming in the cab on the way to my hotel about all the wonderful things I could do in such a beautiful country. "I can start a B&B, or open a crepe shop. Ooooooo, I could start a B&B behind my crepe shop!" My mind was set and well, falling in love with a local helped make it a reality very soon after!

Now that I have been living in Costa Rica for over 6 months and have really started growing my roots, I find it a pity to not share all my new knowledge. I am currently working for a tour company, getting to enjoy each and everyone of their tours for free. Plus, I help them with sales, so often times they send me to other tour companies or hotels for which they sell as well, to ensure their products are as they should be. I've enjoyed so many wonderful new adventures and little known activities or areas here and in surrounding countries, I want to be sure to give others the chance to enjoy just as much as I have. Cause really, how many will be fortunate enough to find the love of their life to show them all this ;)

Currently I am working at a local tour company as mentioned, soon to be working at a local hotel as a receptionist. This is all really just so I can gain the experience to become a receptionist on a cruise ship so I can blog about even more destinations and share even more new knowledge with my readers! I hope you'll all enjoy and stay tuned!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Gary Gunn Silver Bullet Specialist

Hi: My name is Gary Gunn...I love to play golf...I love to learn...I love college basketball...I love owning a business...I am a great guy and love to have fun.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

What do you do when your whole world changes?

My friends call me Spyder.  I am new to blogging, but I have an opportunity to blog for a friend.  I was laid off at the end of March 2012 after working for a company for 28 years.  I know, I'm not the only one that's gotten a call out of the blue saying "you can go home now". So I did.  I grabbed pictures of my children and walked out the door. Left what I working on on my desk and didn't even finished the work.Not getting my work done is a first for me.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Me with Blogging

I feel like i know alot about blogging but i dont know alot about it at the same time. i figure i must use it alot. i dont blog but i feel i go on alot of them, so im pretty confused

Saturday, October 13, 2012

My (Lack of) Blogging Experience

If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is where I started blogging, and what my lousy initiation was like, and how my teachers were occupied and all before they got me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don’t feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth. Ha Ha.

Sorrry.  That opening line was not very original, but it amused me to write it.  Actually, I've had very little experience with blogging.  I tried setting up a practice blog once before, sometime last year, but soon dropped it as I wasn't ready to begin my business blog at the time.  I'm ready now, though.  

Friday, August 10, 2012

How Much I know About Blogging

I have been blogging since 2005. My first blog was private and only friends and family could see it. In 2010, I started a public blog on and it now has 40-something followers. I write about my family, our health issues (we have a lot, unfortunately), homeschooling, and just life!   

Thursday, August 9, 2012

creating a test blog

I am a VERY new blogger. I actually just decided to research what blogging is all about thirty minutes ago.  I am extremely passionate about my politics and can't seem to stop posting my thoughts on Facebook. Started thinking that perhaps I would be suited to blogging. Can't wait to learn more about it.

B is for Blog

If A is for Apple as in the multimillion dollar corporation, then B is most definitely for Blog. Blogging is a twenty second century must; if you haven't joined the band wagon now is the time. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

About Us

I am a child of God, a wife and homemaker, and mother of four children.  I spend my days homeschooling my children, feeding my family, and trying to keep our home from looking like a tornado has passed through--I love to cook, but not to clean. 

My husband is my best friend and we have been married for fourteen years.  He is a preacher who is also a writer for our local newspaper.  I am blessed to have a husband who truly loves the Lord and wants to serve Him.

Our eldest son is nearly thirteen and is a bit of a bookworm.  He loves all things math and science.  He likes to draw pirate cartoons.

Our only daughter is eleven.  She is my biggest helper.  She loves purple and pink, and birds and flowers, and climbing trees and running barefoot through the backyard.

Our middle son is six.  He is the happiest child I have ever known.  He has Fragile X Syndrome which means that he has to work a lot harder than most to accomplish the same things.  He loves cars, trucks, and anything else with wheels.

Our youngest son is four and is under the mistaken impression that the world revolves around him.   He is sweet and loving most of the time, but lets everyone know when he is not happy. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Quirky Gardener

Much like life, I like to find the unexpected in a garden. From a bowling bowl to a work of art, hung on the fence, color and structure in the garden don't just come flowers. Art made from reclaimed items or anything you mind can dream up!  As seasons change and the flowers fade your art will have a stunning effect all year long. Always changing and evolving, your garden is your fashion statement with nature. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Now that I'm Here I'm Lost

A little tidbit is that I'll be leaving the good USA at the beginning of September for life as an ex-pat in Mexico.  Little did I expect to be a raving maniac in a foreign country during my first 50+ years on the globe in the City of Brotherly Love.  Strange things are happening as the old redhead used to say. 

New Adventures

Have you ever been afraid to try something new? 

I've been working as a hairstylist for the last 14 years.  A craft and skill that I will carry with me always.  Hairdressing has given me the opportunity to live and work abroad. I've traveled to amazing cities for education to further my craft.  Life long friends have been made and I've met truly inspiring people along the way.  However, it is time for a change.  In the last year or so I have incurred some injuries that make it very difficult to do my job.  Perhaps this has been my body's way of telling me what I've already known.  Somewhere along the way I've lost the passion and the drive to carry on with this amazing career.  I'm slowly dipping my toes into something new!  I've changed positions and I'm currently working at a great salon.  Instead of doing hair, I am working as the salon coordinator and social media expert.  There is only one problem.  I am totally new to social media!  How can I be in charge of something they know very little about?  The answer seems pretty simple.  Passion.  I have always had an strong interest in media.  What I've lacked is time to explore those options.  So here I am.  Trying to teach myself something new.  Blogging seems like a great first step as I will be creating one for the salon I work for. 
Thanks for reading.  I'm both excited and scared about this new endeavor.  Stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy following along with me on my journey!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What I Like To Do Vs. What is Expedient

I don't really have a hobby. I like to read but I'm so busy trying to
find an online business that I don't read for pleasure much anymore, except the bible. I read
excessively because I am constantly trying to learn things that I am not familiar with concerning
starting and online business.  This is why I'm checking out this course on blogging.  This journey
into the internet arena is tedious for me because I am basically computer illiterate,except when
     it comes to the email section.  I'm only familiar with Yahoo in that category.  I tried gmail and
finally decided to only use Yahoo.  gmail was so unfamiliar to me that it seemed complicated.
 I enjoy reading because I love learning new things and no
 matter what I read I seem to learn something from it.
It is a pleasure to take this course because the technique is so refreshing.  I am learning by doing
and this process is obviously well thought out and effective. I have learned so much already and
am looking forward to taking the 101  course.

The start of something new!

Hello! This is the first of many blog posts i'll write. I'm going to be mainly writing about my new adventures of homeschooling and a little bit about our cabinet buisness. I enjoy telling stories and listening to other people's stories. I cannot wait to share my journey with you!

I'm Just Saying

I am a little old lady who is determined to start a business on line.  However, I realize I don't have the necessary skills.  So, this is one of my ventures into preparing myself for success online.  I did not and probably still don't really understand blogging.  However, I am hoping by the time I finish this course, I will have a better chance at succeeding in an online business..
I was really shocked when I took the first quiz and found that I knew more than I understood about
blogging.  This will be another adventure in life. I wish all of you new bloggers success in whatever you
goal is with this course.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Logically it seemed

I can not say that I have not written a Blog Post before,but since I have no formal training in blogging it seemed logical to start-out with this pre course, which will assure that I have not missed anything importaint. For all appearances it seems -- to me-- like a worth while subject of which to be knowledgable.

Monday, July 23, 2012


I was thinking of starting a blog two years ago but my rear got too heavy and I could not move it.
I have never done a blog, love to read, have lot's of stuff in my head and hope that blogging will help to sort through some of  it - sharing might help to put them to good use.

New Experience Count Down

This is my third attempt at learning to blog.  I took an introductory course through my local B.B.B. and picked up Blogging for Dummies but decided this might be a better avenue.  We will see.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Stand Back - New Blogger here!

So, I'm learning how to create and use a blog today.  I don't write really well but I'm working on it and I figure starting with a blog is the way to go.  Not too bad for turning 40 this week!  :)



Or should I say, Newbiebabbler.  I'm the kind of person that has a million random thoughts riding the bumper cars in my carival of a mind.  For instance did you know that if your second toe is longer than your big toe it means you have a high sex drive?  You can tell a lot about a man's sexual performance by watching him play pool!  No, sex is not all I think about.  Many times I contemplate Quantum Physics and the fact that I could use it as the perfect excuse for being late to work..... time is a man-made concept and doesn't truly exist therefore I cannot, in fact, be late.  Is there a way for me to introduce myself, not really..... to read me is to know me.

Friday, July 13, 2012

NY Mets Team

Summer with the Mets
It Hurts so many great players left and it bothers when I see the games and I dont see KRod, Pagan, Beltran, and Reyes, I'm glad Santana, Wright and Davis are still representing. NYC is great but especially wonderful in the summer- PLAY BALL

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I'm very new to the world of blogging

I currently have great products to offer people a way to make money online.  I realize the key to getting in front of people is blogging.  This is why I want to learn how to not only write a great blog but how to get my blog in front of the maximum number of people.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I suppose you could say I've dabbled in blogging, each time suffering analysis paralysis brought on by the perfectionist in me.
My potential masterpiece ideas hardly ever leave my mind, never mind hit pen and paper and god forbid the Internet.
My feeble attempts have been written, reviewed amended, posted, re-reviewed and deleted before anyone could possibly have time to read them.

I love reading blogs and would love to have my own blog but at the moment, for me, knowledge and confidence are key.
I want experience writing, more importantly and want the tools to attract and keep my readers interested, excited and coming back for more.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Newbie on the Net

Wow, what a journey I am about to embark on and I am so excited!  I am also extremely nervous about looking like a complete idiot but hey, somebody has to do it!  Hi, my name is Elizabeth and I am on my fifth career as a hairstylist.  Yes, I said fifth.  My family and friends said I should have been a gypsy and if I am being honest I must agree with them.  I finally married at age 38, had a beautiful daughter at age 39 and just became a granny at 44 (i have a stepdaughter incase you were trying to figure that one out).  I am now stepping out in faith believing I still have one more career in me that is going to lead me to time freedom as well as financial freedom, but first I have to learn how to blog so I can share with others the awesome opportunity I have been awarded.  So, here goes....bon voyage!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My New Blog

Wow this is exciting. I am thinking of starting a blog for my friends and family, but have no clue where to start. Hopefully this will help me out.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

About me

I have tried my hand at blogging by publishing a blog about starting and running an in-home daycare. However, since I no long am in this profession, it was difficult to continue the blog. On the other hand, I love reading blogs, all kinds of blogs, from writing to parenting, to ...well, you name it.

Friday, June 29, 2012


I am a newbie to the blogging world  trying to figure it out before I start my own blog. I am glad I found this course.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hello world and ALL Who inhabit it

My name is Sabrina Bailey. I have been interested in writing for some time and am actually in the middle of writing the second book in my series, "The Game of Love." It is yet to be published so don't look for it just yet. But I promise, dear readers the day will come. And I rarely break a promise.
This is the first time I have ever really tried to write  a blog, unless you count the blogs on myspace, but those were years ago and at the time made sense to only me. I don't know what exactly inspired me to get out of bed this morning, cross the room with my hot cup of coffee (the pungent smell dancing in my nose), get on the computer and look up how to become a blogger but I guess that if this is where God is trying to lead me then who am I to reprimand him. This whole thing is blowing over so well, which surprises me. And there is a part of me that just can't shake the feeling that all of this is just too good to be true... I guess only time will tell. You will be seeing a lot more posts, I guarantee it. For I am a woman who loves to talk and tell stories. so I guess this is just about the most perfect thing for someone like me to do.
Today I am going to be happier a than a bird with a french fry, and I hope that you will be too.
Sabrina Bailey

Thursday, June 21, 2012

So much to say, where do I begin?

I have so much to share with the world; like how to decipher the woman code, the recipe for the best chili you've ever tasted, and the identity of who killed Tupac.  The only problem is, I don't know where to start.

I think I have an undiagnosed case of Acquired Attention Deficiency, I unable to maintain one thought for longer than fifteen minutes.  I am a Jack of many topics, but I can't seem to master anything.

I like to consider myself as a well rounded individual, or maybe that's just code for being an Idle Achiever.

About me

Hello! I have no, that is zero, experience writing a blog. But I love to write and share my ideas.
Looking forward to this course.

Not My First Post

Despite the name of the blog, this is not my first post or my first blog. I currently have a blog a started about 6 months ago, but am taking this course to help me find a rhythm, voice, and practice my writing. I hope that this course will help me get in the habit of writing.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Blogger

I am  brand new to blogging  and very exciting about it. I have little experience with blogging, I tampered with it a couple of times in the past even wrote a short article on Ehow. Life been so busy I never had the time, and patience to deal with it. Being a Writer, Author, and Journalist is my dream. I did'nt know I had a passion for writing since 2008. When all of sudden a light bulb came on in my head that this is something that I should be doing. When my mind suddenly  reminiscence when I was a kid how I use to love to write stories for my classmates to read. This how I know this is my passion, my dream forgetting about everything else I tried in the past.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Got Lot's of Info to Share

I have been been an internet user since way back around 1995. I used to go to the library when I thought of things I wanted to look up. By the time I got back to the library again with my list, I was at the library a good four hours. I guess you would have called me and info junkie back then. I have looked up many things for myself and friends and family. I know how to find the right site with the best information. It is fun for me to do this and I hope when I reach the dementia possible years I will still be looking things up and keeping my mind active. I am on Facebook, Myspace and Twitter. I love this!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Learning to blog for change

Hello... I am here because I want to join the group of people who are committed to making the current food and health epidemic not only stop but actually start to reverse. No more kids on blood pressure medication or adults with diabetes type 2. I want to radically alter the current path that we are on and plan to do that through educating people and making it super fun!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"the best idea ever" is not as interesting the 3rd day

Hello, I have started about 5 blogs between blogger and wordpress, but I never follow through! I'll write one post, maybe two, then be done with the whole idea of blogging. Done until a few months later when I have the next best idea I've ever had, and three days and 1 blog post later I'm SO over it. I'm working on my follow through and fear of failure. I wish you all the best with your blogging experiments.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hello world, i am a mom of  4 who takes the kids on the road because of work.i have no previous work in blogging an know lil about it but am full of advice for traveling with children and the pros and cons that come with making  a life changing decision such as this.

new to blogging

I love to write and would love to share with the world ideas and inspirations.  So I've decided to begin writing a blog.  Unfortunately, I need to share this information with the world of Pinterest and Facebook and just don't understand how.  This is where my Blogwriting course comes in.

Monday, May 28, 2012


I'm just a person like most others that wants to feel safe, loved, accepted; and to live a joy-fulled, satisfying, exciting life.  I have realized that I am responsible for everything in my life.  I have realized that this means I can take control of my life and create the types of experiences that I wish to have....ABUNDANT, MEANINGFUL, LOVING, PEACEFUL, EXCITING, POSITIVE EXPERIENCES!  But how do I, or anyone for that matter, take control of their life?  Well, anyone who does any type of honest, earnest searching for this answer will discover that it is within themselves.  This has actually been taught the entire known history of man.  Whether you learn from Jesus, Buddha, Jung, Emerson, the I Ching, the Bible, the Emerald Tablet....this list could go on and on....they all teach the same message -  the answers to life can only and truly be found within.

So, I'm on my journey to understand and know myself; preparing the way for God, or Source, or whatever you want to call the true creative force of life, to communicate with me.  For deep down inside you, me, all...this is our essence.  I truly believe that once any of us finds this essence inside of us, we will reclaim full control over our lives.

That's a little bit about me....just a regular guy like most others that wants to feel safe, loved, accepted; and to live a joy-fulled, satisfying, exciting life!!!           

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Learning to Blog

I am relatively new to blogging. Tried a family blog once but found it hard to keep up with. Facebook just seems easier. But now I have an idea for a blog, in order to satisfy my writing itch and share an interest I have. And now I get to take a class on how to blog? That's just icing on the cake!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


After repeated review of all those tutorials out there I realized there was something missing in the training.  NO not the web host or the blogger service I would use and NO not the domain name I still haven't figured out, But HOW TO BLOG.  I appreciate a new trainer I have encountered, THE BLOG WRITING COURSE.COM, that has allowed me to actually WRITE a blog.  A GOOD START.  Now I will have to figure if I truly have something to say and how I will communicate it without being self-conscious, as this is my first blog, and, as such, my first venture into the world of the press.  I hope to continue to share my Experience Learning to Blog as a newbie until such time as none of us are any longer newbies.  Thank you world for your attention, and stay tuned.

New Discovery

I discovered today that I cannot maintain my extremely busy lifestyle.  Young children, maintaining a household, work, running a business, study, and now venturing into the blogging arena?  That reeks of over commitment.  Well, I am sure that some good stories will come from it.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Joining the Conversations Out There

Hello blog community! My name is Rachel. I've started about five or six blogs and haven't been able to connect to one theme or commit to it. So I was really excited to find this course about blogging to help me learn how to focus. I remember when the internet offered basically AOL and sports stats compared to now and the way the internet has become a way of life. Just this weekend I gave away some books, one was a useful tip book on housecleaning. As I held it in my hand pondering if I should keep it or not, the thought decided it for me, I'd most likely search out how to get a stain out of my carpet online before I remembered I had that book on my shelf! With the new ways to access and provide information, there are so many reasons to get into blogging.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Back to love

After years of adulthood, wandering aimlessly through my days, I finally returned to my first true passion: Writing. I wrote my first play in elementary school and was an avid journalist in middle school. My friend, Tonia Kozlowski and I started an "underground" paper which we attempted to circulate in direct opposition to our school-sponsored newsletter. We were only able to publish one paper before our principal reprimanded us. Life started happening for me during high school. Tragedies happened and I lost the desire to write. Later, I went on to study to become a Paralegal, had kids, got married, got divorced and starting dreading my daily activities. Until I was inspired to write poetry under the pen name Seren Taylor. After publishing a collection, co-authored with my spiritual sister, Shai Yo Choe, and its limited (that's a very generous term) success, I ran away from my first true love again. Now 36 and wanting more out of my life, I am determined to get back to writing and stick with it. Although I would love to live the life of a professional writer and make a nice paycheck from my passion, I am realistic in my understanding of what it takes to achieve such a whimsical goal. Now, I write because it eases my mind and my body and maybe I can inspire another youngster to stick with her dreams and keep writing. I'm Shanice, I'm new at this blogging thing, but I am here to stay.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Fitness Trainer Blog

Yes, Fitness training. The dream profession. It has it all, action, glamour, and the beautiful hard-bodied people. You will have hordes of highly motivated clients throwing their money at their fitness guru to help them sculp their bodies. Because of you:
-The weak become stronger
-The heavy become lighter
-The unhealthy become well
You are the Mentor of Muscular Manipulation,
the Liquidator of Abdominal Lipids,
the Regal Regent of Physical Realignment and Rehabilitation!

In reality, Fitness Training can be tough grind chasing down leads and trying to provide motivation
for lacksadaisical followers.  For every Trainer to the Stars, there are countless others slogging it out in a tough market, chasing after elusive referrals in a recession, or working around other jobs to keep afloat. This is an industry where many people think that you should work for chump change or even for free! This is an industry where those who have previously succeeded are not interested in being your mentor. They think you will steal their clients!
   The media sells Fitness Training as a booming profession.  What planet are they on?
Okay, okay, don't be discouraged. You can become a successful Fitness Trainer, especially if you can sell your product. Don't get sucked in by fitness center chains promising you easy access to willing clients. These are often empty promises.
   I have been involved in the Fitness Training business for almost 20 years. I have the battle wounds to prove it. I also have the knowledge and insider experience to help guide you through this new career that you are aspiring to. Stay tuned for further blogs. There is more to come!

Until next time,.............keep fit!

Little Bobby Strong   

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

First ever blog

I have absolutely no experience of blogging, barely even of reading them, but as a primary school teacher I really need to learn. The controller of the blog seems to hold a worrying amount of power in schools ;-) . I've also seen the amazing things that can be done with blogs to help pupil writing (particularly boys) by given them an audience and helping them to connect with the wider world.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Am I the only one who worries that my desire to create a blog only stems from my own vanity? That I might not be as interesting as I think I am, and not even my own mother will check my blog religiously? Overall, I find myself an intelligent person and I am forever coming up with ideas for blog posts, but every time I try to write these amazing ideas out, I am suddenly frozen with this fear of horrible failure. Hopefully, I will learn something from this course and work up the gumption to actually follow through on some of these crazy ideas in my head, even if it does end in disaster.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why I want to blog

I'm into photography nowadays. I've been buzy with so many things lately but photography seemed to kept its hold on me. I'm no housewife. I'm a mother, a driver, a yaya, a designer, a make-up artist all rolled into one. Now, I want to blog too.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


I would like to blog so i can remember life's moments:)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Life so Far

I was born in the early 1960's, a middle child, growing up in sunny California. I was not quite a hippy child or part of the baby boomer era.  I guess you could say I fell between the cracks.  My dad told me that he named me after a black and white movie he watched that stared Gene Tierney and even to this day I really love that kind of film genera.    My mother was a stay at home mom during a time when most women were going out into the workforce.  She told me that a lot of women looked down at her for not having a career, but I thought my mom was the best and could do anything she put her mind to do.  You might say she was like a Martha Stewart but without the obsession of being perfect.  I think the little imperfections in life are what make us unique individuals.  My dad worked in the field of Engineering and loved to solve puzzles.  He loved numbers so well that he tried to figure the odds on the numbers from the lottery.  He did not win much but he sure loved trying.  He loved to work on projects and had his own work shop in the garage with brand names like Craftsman; he also tinkered on all the family cars and even had a garden with fruit trees and vegetables growing in the backyard.  Both my parents have always be hands on type of people which has rubbed off onto me.  I grow my own vegetables, make foods from scratch and still love doing DIY projects around the house.  My parents showed me that anything is possible if you just put your mind to it.  That is why I am a very optimistic person and I am very grateful to them. 

I guess if you looked at me growing up you might say that I had a very normal childhood.  For me I was shy and felt awkward as a child and did not feel like I fit into any group or social setting.  When it came to making friends I was always disappointed.  The friends I picked would only be friends only when they wanted me to be.  I would always end up sad and wonder what was wrong with me almost like I was on the outside looking in at what everyone else was doing.   So I would spend a lot of quite time in my room reading and listening to music.  In my older years I would understand people better and how there is a big difference about people that were acquaintances and people that I would call friends.  Most of my life I will know a lot of acquaintances from work to shopping at the grocery store.  I found out that if you don’t expect anything from people you will never be disappointed and that helped me a lot.  I enjoy those brief encounters with people that it helps me feel connected to the world in a lot of small ways.  Since I have been out in the work force for a while I can count on one hand the people that I can call friends.  Those are the kind of people that even if we have not talked or seen each other for a while can pick up where we left off without skipping a beat.  They take me for who I am and I love them for that.

I think college is where I really started to open up and find out all the possibilities of what I would like to do with my life.  Have you ever had someone ask you the question of “Why did you not ask for directions”?  How can a person ask for directions when you don’t even know that you were lost?  I grew up with not a lot of restrictions put on me.  My parents never pushed anything on to me like religion, politics or any kind of ethics.  It was like I came into this world having a strong sense of what felt right or wrong.  All through college I spent watching and studying, weigh the pros and cons and finally make my own choices about how I felt about things in life.  I felt like I was an observer watching and learning from whatever crossed my path like a Sage.  I finally realized after many years that the path I was on was a spiritual one.  Not the kind that has to do with religion but more of a connection with life and the universe.  The ultimate question of “How do I fit into this world”?  I know I have had my ups and many downs in this these times of economic downfall that it is so easy to get caught up in all the negativity.  I can say that I am finally working on me and how I fit into this world.  I am taking one day at a time, stopping to smell the roses and watching a sunset now and then.  I watched a bee the other day going from one flower to the next and it brought a smile to my face that spring was here.  The world is such a small place with what seems like a short amount of time we are here that I really want to be laughing.  I remembered that physically laughing out loud can bring your mood up and make anyone feel much better. 

All these simple little things make up who I am.  If I remember just those few things I will never lose my path again.    Then maybe the people that cross my path will remember how to happy in their live too.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Little Niche!


First Blog

I am learning to blog!

some many topics to write about...

Having lived in LA for the past 4.5 years I have new perspectives on human nature. Things are done differently here. It took a few years to figure this out...Interested in learning more?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Can't know, but we'll see.

This is my introductory attempt at writing a blog. Newbie, call me. Wordsmith, no, not yet, but in due time, who knows. What do I have to offer? Can't know, but we'll see. Where will this take me? Can't know, but we'll see.

Friday, April 20, 2012

All about Me and Blogging

I am very new to the world of blogging. I love to read and I love to write. I am very opinionated and knowledgeable in certain matters. I am a stay at home Mom of 3 great kids and have an amazing husband. Life has been an adventure for sure. Although I must say that I have no experience with Blogging!! I am looking forward to this new adventure in my life.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Hello I'm Camele. I do have my on blog "The Write Time" it's all about my ups and down on trying to write my first novel. I haven't been on it in a while, but plan on updating it more. I also have another blog CoolSexyBeautiful it's about my trials of being a Stella & Dot Stylist. Definately haven't posted there in a long time and planning on taking that one down.
I would like to start a new blog in honor of my best friend who passed away a month ago, which is why I'm taking this class. I want this blog to be very successful.

Hear ye, hear ye....I have no clue!

As a former teacher and now stay at home mom, I haven't really had much use for a blog! Now, I am working for a small startup company as their "social media manager". Part of my assignment is to create and maintain a blog about the company. Since I am new to this type of media, I am searching for support, training and pointers!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Here I am, ready to start writing a blog, never have before and I am nervous.  I have a thought, but will it be readable? I desperately wish I had paid more attention in grammar class. I have a good friend who is an english teacher. I agonize over each email, each text I send to her.  I expect to find her replies with my text corrected in red. I agonize, here on this post, because, I have, a thing for commas. An unintentional thing, absolutely. There must be a "Grammar For Dummies". I am going to buy it immediately. I will then consider myself well-armed to begin putting words to paper. After all, I have this thought.

Monday, April 16, 2012

New Blogger here! And I'm excited :D

Hello! I will try keep this short, but I make no promises. I have relatively little experience making blogs, but a lot of experience in reading them.

I have learned that if I motivate myself and work hard I can have a successful blog. And so can YOU!

And by successful I don't mean only in terms of money, but in terms of expressing your passion, and how fulfilling it feels.

I think life is about searching for and trying new things, seeing what you like and seeing what you don't like. And if you keep trying, you will find something you absolutely LOVE.

It took me quite a few years to find what I love. Which I found out through much experimentation. It turned out that what I love is playing guitar. In fact as I am writing this now I am listening to one of my favourite guitar based songs: God Gave Rock And Roll To You by KISS.

This song, especially the guitar solo, for some unfathomable reason, fills my heart with passion and content. In my humble opinion, there's nothing like picking up your guitar and playing your favourite tunes and riffs. It feels like heaven on earth.

If you haven't already found your passion(s), I suggest to you that get out there and try new things! Blogging could possibly be one of your passions. You don't know how the water feels until you jump in. So go ahead and jump in. Feel the water, if you don't like it try another one. It's all about determination. Trust me. You won't regret it!

Thank You for reading this :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Passionately Curious

"I am not a genius, I am just passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

I am currently in my third year of college and have recently come to this realization: there is so much I want to learn about and not enough time (or money) to learn about it all in school. This is why I want to blog, I want to write about the things I'm curious about and share what I learn with whoever also wants to know. I want to learn ALL OF THE THINGS!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

To Blog or Not to Blog?

Some blogs I admire and am grateful for.

Do I want a blog?

Sometimes I like the idea of having a voice that everyone can hear.
Sometimes I don't.

I wonder if voice is important in the course of history, and I usually conclude that it is.

As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness."

I feel as though I might be able to light some candles with a blog.

If I can gain the courage.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hey Hi !!!

Let's start with - YOU CAN CALL ME C. ! :)
I had so many blogs accounts that I even forgot about them - ALL ! But, I'm a big fan of BLOGGER - and Google, too.
All day I have those ideas in my HEAD that can be useful for blog readers too. That's the first thing my blog will be - about DIY Projects. Person that I am always questioning 'WAY?!?' all day long, for everything that is at her eyes O_o Yup, like a child but also like a 'big' girl who want to KNOW everything (that is possible) and HOW to Make & Do that 'everithing' that is in my hands :)
And THAT is what about my Blog will be :D

P.S. Sorry if my English is not so perfect <3

Monday, April 9, 2012

mom starting an adventure

I am a mom starting the adventure of becoming self-suffient. I wanted to do a blog to tell the world of our adventure to getting there. I have read others blogs. It should be fun and a learning process. Hope everyone will enjoy my post.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Plan C

"There is a point in life where you cannot continue living by destiny's commants" this is a phrase I heard a little while ago.. Since I finished High School life has been going faster than ever..I was suppose to enter to College, but when I wasn't acepted everything began to get complicated. I had to look for a job, and it was not a easy task. When I finally found a place to work where I could be productive and happy at the same time my family moved up, and I decided moved with them. Right now I'm not sure if it was a good choise at all cause even if I sharing the same geographic space with them my heart and my mind have been far away my body, and I just cannot feel me totally satisfaced. So I think it is because my decision was based in what makes sense for everyone but not for me. I followed the direction destiny was pointed not the one my heart was looking at..I guess is time to look forward and make changes. Live life under my own commants and my own direction. The bottom line is that it will be better make stupid desicions by myself that be wise follow someone else instructions..

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

You'll either love blogging, or you'll hate it

You'll either love blogging, or you'll hate it. That's what a well-known author was told, when she was encouraged to start a blog. She loved it.

I've been thinking about blogging for years, but wanted to be sure it was something  I'd love before starting. I think I will , so here I am.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Praying Mantis of a job

I know nothing about blogging. I do, however, know an awful lot about dreaming, and imagining, and creating stories. But these days I don't dream anymore, and I hardly imagine (apart from leaving my job at the end of the day), and the stories are stilted by mundane everyday tasks that I get paid for. I had a vision once. These days I have to mentally push through a fog to find it. I had a vision once of making stories; of living in a world of words. These days I have a job. A job that generates money. A job that neither begs nor needs imagination or creativity. A wordless job. A praying mantis of a job which has already beheaded me, and pinning me tight, hollowing me out, will leave behind a shell of no one I know. I know nothing about blogging. But I do know this is my first step back into the life I am suppose to lead.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Want tutor.

Hello Friends. This is my first post,I apologize for any mistake.First thing First, My Name is asha and I am indian,from normal background.I love adventure, although my life is not so called adventurous, or i say filled with lot troubles.Since its my 1st post and recently I started begginner course on blog(just a few hours ago), I will appreciate if you point out my mistake(so that i should not repeat it again). 
                       I am pretty good in studying but lacks confidence in case of language except hindi since its my native language.What things I need my life is the teacher,Teacher/tutor is the source of knowledge.They were comparable to parents in our religion because they play the role of what parents do, to teach how to solve the downs of life, how to face it, what to do?what not to do?It may be profession for someone But Teacher play important role by educating next generation.They are tutoring the next generation engineers,doctors,social workers,citizen,heroes/heroins and even politicians.But in today world its hard to find the teachers who provide knowledge without making huge hole on your pocket.But still hope hat there is any(or not),so anyone who is specialized in english,in blog or website, in maths, in chemistry than your free help will be appreciated. Even yours advice matters me. What you get?well you may know well that ''Practice makes mam perfect''and your tutoring to anyone or me is comparable to practice.If you know any free virtual class or e-learning for above list than please suggest me.What i get from this?Knowledge,may be mind of peace that i can score well in entrance exam,confidence and can get scholarship or financial help because i don't have any financial support in my house.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Most people call me Jenny. I work at the bank in Henderson, NC. I have 1 daughter and 1 son. My husband works for the city. Most of the time we are at cheer leading or soccer. Very busy. Blogging is an easier way to keep in touch with my family.

Friday, March 23, 2012

About Me

I'm a fun-loving, homeschooling mom and teacher.  I love music, books, nature, and animals.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ack! Blogging!

Most of my background is in print publishing, which as everyone knows, is nearly as extinct as the dinosaur. To avoid premature retirement, or at least a RIF, my boss asked me to "learn how to blog," in hopes I could become a ghost writer for company leaders who don't have the time or inclination to do so.

As a professional writer, this idea strikes me as silly. I get that mechanics are different and that new rules must be learned and new formats followed, but I suppose it's a new trick to be learned and something to add to the resume.

So here I am. I guess I'm now a blogger, for whatever that's worth.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

This is where the magic happens!!

Congratulations on making it to your very first test blog! We look forward to "meeting" you via the blog-o-shere, so shout out your introduction via a test post. Go ahead...I promise it won't bite!!