Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What I Like To Do Vs. What is Expedient

I don't really have a hobby. I like to read but I'm so busy trying to
find an online business that I don't read for pleasure much anymore, except the bible. I read
excessively because I am constantly trying to learn things that I am not familiar with concerning
starting and online business.  This is why I'm checking out this course on blogging.  This journey
into the internet arena is tedious for me because I am basically computer illiterate,except when
     it comes to the email section.  I'm only familiar with Yahoo in that category.  I tried gmail and
finally decided to only use Yahoo.  gmail was so unfamiliar to me that it seemed complicated.
 I enjoy reading because I love learning new things and no
 matter what I read I seem to learn something from it.
It is a pleasure to take this course because the technique is so refreshing.  I am learning by doing
and this process is obviously well thought out and effective. I have learned so much already and
am looking forward to taking the 101  course.

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